Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (2025)

Chapters are re-playable story content in Star Wars: The Old Republic in the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions, which come in Story, Veteran and Master Mode difficulty. They are designed to be played alone, but you can also bring along a friend to help.


  • How to Play Chapters
  • Rewards
  • Companions
  • Currency
    • Attuned Weapons
  • Mount
  • Decorations
  • Battleworn Jedi Chestpiece?
  • Titles
  • Cartel Coins
  • Achievements
  • Steam Achievements

How to Play Chapters

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (1)

There is a total of 25 chapters between both expansions, plus one bonus chapter. These two expansions, Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne, are not available to free-to-play players. You permanently unlock access to them once you subscribe, even if you unsubscribe the next month. If you subscribed in the past, and don’t have them available, it means you subscribed too long ago and will need to subscribe again to unlock them.

Apart from having them unlocked by subscribing, your character needs to be at least level 60 to start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion and Chapter I: The Hunt, and level 65 to start the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin. You can start them from the glowing blue terminal on your ship if you do not already have the quests in your quest log.

Keep in mind that starting these expansion quests will remove your ability to finish certain other storylines if you have not already run them, including:

  • Original Class Story Quests (Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3)
  • Original Class Companion Conversation Quests
  • The Shadow of Revan Prelude Story Quest (“Forged Alliances”)
  • The Main Shadow of Revan Storyline
  • The Main Ziost Quest

The Knights of the Fallen Empire is meant to be started after you complete the Shadow of Revan story and its finale on the planet of Ziost, and then the chapters are meant to be played in order.

Knights of the Fallen Empire

  • Chapter 1 / Chapter I: The Hunt
  • Chapter 2 / Chapter II: A Dream of Empire
  • Chapter 3 / Chapter III: Outlander
  • Chapter 4 / Chapter IV: The Gravestone
  • Chapter 5 / Chapter V: From the Grave
  • Chapter 6 / Chapter VI: Asylum
  • Chapter 7 / Chapter VII: Lady of Sorrows
  • Chapter 8 / Chapter VIII: Taking Flights
  • Chapter 9 / Chapter IX: The Alliance
  • Chapter 10 / Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise
  • Chapter 11 / Chapter XI: Disavowed
  • Chapter 12 / Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark
  • Chapter 13 / Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder
  • Chapter 14 / Chapter XIV: Mandalore’s Revenge
  • Chapter 15 / Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception
  • Chapter 16 / Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen

Knights of the Eternal Throne

  • Chapter 1 / Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin
  • Chapter 2 / Chapter II: Run for the Shadows
  • Chapter 3 / Chapter III: Dark Reunions
  • Chapter 4 / Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die
  • Chapter 5 / Chapter V: Ascension
  • Chapter 6 / Chapter VI: The Dragon’s Maw
  • Chapter 7 / Chapter VII: Into the Void
  • Chapter 8 / Chapter VIII: End Times
  • Chapter 9 / Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne


  • Shroud of Memory – Shroud of memory is not available by default and must be unlocked. Shroud of Memory Unlock Guide


The main rewards for playing the chapters are to see and experience the story, rather than any actual rewards. However, there are a few item rewards associated with the chapters.


You recruit quite a few companions while playing the two expansions. Some companions are guaranteed, while others will only join you or stay with you if you make certain choices. This includes romance options with certain companions later down the line. You can read more on the companions page.


At the time of writing this, these are the currency rewards for the chapters in addition to XP and Credits:

  • Each Story Mode Chapter: 10 Tech Fragments, 1 Conquest Commendation
  • Each Veteran Mode Chapter: 20 Tech Fragments, 1 Conquest Commendation
  • Each Master Mode Chapter: 30 Tech Fragments, 2 Conquest Commendations, 10 OP-1 Catalysts

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (3)

All of these currencies are used for gearing up at level 80.

Armor & Weapons Chapter Completion Rewards

Most chapters also have a guaranteed drop of a specific armor piece after you have completed the chapter. You’ll often get a choice between two different armors or boxes depending on your class – the difference between these two is usually just “Tank” or “Damage / Healer” and they look exactly the same. However, what the piece looks like will actually change depending on your Combat Style! There are four different “looks” for each of the three armor sets from chapters.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (4)

Outlander Boltblaster / Demolisher / Med-Tech MK-5 / MK-6

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 on Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary.

Outlander Boltblaster / Demolisher / Med-Tech MK-8

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 on Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary.

Outlander Force-Lord / Force-Healer / Duelist MK-5 / MK-6

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 on Sage / Sorcerer / Assassin / Shadow.

Outlander Force-Lord / Force-Healer / Duelist MK-8

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 on Sage / Sorcerer / Assassin / Shadow.

Outlander Pummeler / Bulwark MK-5 / MK-6

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 6, 7, 8, 90 on Sentinel / Marauder/ Juggernaught / Guardian.

Outlander Pummeler / Bulwark MK-8

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 on Sentinel / Marauder/ Juggernaught / Guardian.

Outlander Targeter / Mender MK-5 / MK-6

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 on Operative / Scoundrel / Sniper / Gunslinger.

Outlander Targeter / Mender MK-8

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 on Operative / Scoundrel / Sniper / Gunslinger.

Veteran Outlander Force-Lord / Veteran Outlander Force-Healer / Veteran Outlander Duelist (Republic)

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Eternal Throne Chapters 7, 8, 9 on Sage / Sorcerer / Assassin / Shadow.

Veteran Outlander Med-Tech / Veteran Outlander Demolisher (Republic)

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Eternal Throne Chapters 7, 8, 9 on Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary.

Veteran Outlander Pummeler / Veteran Outlander Bulwark (Republic)

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Eternal Throne Chapters 7, 8, 9 on Sentinel / Marauder/ Juggernaught / Guardian.

Veteran Outlander Targeter / Veteran Outlander Mender (Republic)

Pieces are rewarded at the end ofKnights of the Eternal Throne Chapters 7, 8, 9 on Operative / Scoundrel / Sniper / Gunslinger.

Chapter Armors

  • “Trooper” – Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary: Boltblaster (damage) / Med-Tech (healer) / Demolisher (tank)
  • “Jedi Consular” – Sage / Sorcerer / Assassin / Shadow: Force-Lord (damage) / Force-Healer (healer) / Duelist (tank)
  • “Jedi Knight” – Sentinel / Marauder/ Juggernaught / Guardian: Pummeler (damage) / Bulwark (tank)
  • “Smuggler” – Operative / Scoundrel / Sniper / Gunslinger: Targeter (damage) / Mender (healer)

Knights of the Fallen Empire

  • Chapter 1 / Chapter I: The Hunt – No additional reward
  • Chapter 2 / Chapter II: A Dream of Empire – Outlander MK-6 Offhand
  • Chapter 3 / Chapter III: Outlander – Outlander MK-6 Implant
  • Chapter 4 / Chapter IV: The Gravestone – Outlander MK-6 Earpiece
  • Chapter 5 / Chapter V: From the Grave – Outlander MK-6 Implant number two
  • Chapter 6 / Chapter VI: Asylum – Outlander MK-6 Belt and Bracers (box)
  • Chapter 7 / Chapter VII: Lady of Sorrows – Outlander MK-6 Feet and Hands (box)
  • Chapter 8 / Chapter VIII: Taking Flights – Outlander MK-6 Head and Legs (box)
  • Chapter 9 / Chapter IX: The Alliance – Outlander MK-6 Chestpiece
  • Chapter 10 / Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise – Outlander MK-8 Belt, Bracers and Relic (box)
  • Chapter 11 / Chapter XI: Disavowed – Outlander MK-8 Gloves, Earpiece and Implant (box)
  • Chapter 12 / Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark – Outlander MK-8 Head and Implant number two (box)
  • Chapter 13 / Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder – Outlander MK-8 Boots and Relic number two (box)
  • Chapter 14 / Chapter XIV: Mandalore’s Revenge – Outlander MK-8 Chestpiece and Legs (box)
  • Chapter 15 / Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception – Outlander MK-8 Offhand
  • Chapter 16 / Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessan – Purple relic with higher item-rating 224

Knights of the Eternal Throne

  • Chapter 1 / Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin – Veteran Outlander main-hand weapon
  • Chapter 2 / Chapter II: Run for the Shadows – Veteran Outlander offhand
  • Chapter 3 / Chapter III: Dark Reunions – Veteran Outlander Implant
  • Chapter 4 / Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die – Veteran Outlander Earpiece
  • Chapter 5 / Chapter V: Ascension – Veteran Outlander Implant number two
  • Chapter 6 / Chapter VI: The Dragon’s Maw – Veteran Outlander Bracers and Belt (box) *
  • Chapter 7 / Chapter VII: Into the Void – Veteran Outlander Feet and Hands (box)
  • Chapter 8 / Chapter VIII: End Times – Veteran Outlander Head and Legs (box)
  • Chapter 9 / Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne – Veteran Outlander Chestpiece

* The armor reward for this quest does not show up when you pick up the quest, but you will get the box at the end of the chapter regardless, it’s just a visual bug in the quest log.

Images of the weapons coming in the future.

Attuned Weapons

Playing KOTFE Chapter 12 Visions in the Dark will get you a weapon depending on your combat style. This weapon is bound to your character.

  • Attuned Boltblaster’s / Attuned Med-Tech’s Assault Cannon
  • Attuned Boltblaster’s / Attuned Med-Tech’s / Attuned Mender’s / Attuned Demolisher’s / Attuned Targeter’s Blaster Pistol
  • Attuned Boltblaster’s / Attuned Demolisher’s / Attuned Mender’s / Attuned Targeter’s Blaster Rifle
  • Attuned Force-Lord’s / Attuned Force-Healer’s / Attuned Bulwark’s / Attuned Pummeler’s Lightsaber
  • Attuned Force-Lord’s / Attuned Duelist’s Saberstaff
  • Attuned Targeter’s Sniper Rifle

Images coming in the future.

Weapon Buff

Equip: Grants special abilities based on your decisions. Constructed in the wilderness of Odessen, this unique weapon has special properties that make it significantly more powerful when facing Arcann in battle.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (17)Serenity: Satele Shan’s lingering influence fills you with a serene sense of calm. Grants you Serenity, which absorbs 20% of the Damage caused by Arcann’s attacks.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (18) Transcendence: You have moved beyond the limits of your past. Grants you Transcendence which increases movement speed by 150% for 15 seconds. Does not break Stealth.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (19) Unity: You have harnessed the unified beliefs of Satele Shan and Darth Marr. Grants you Unity, which absorbs and reflects 10% incoming damage.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (20) Sacrifice: You are prepared to lose everything to achieve ultimate victory. Grants you Sacrifice which allows you to sacrifice 25% of your health to increase your damage by 25%. Only useable above 25% health.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (21) Resilience: No matter the challenge, you will endure. Grants you Resilience, which heals 25% of your max health over 15 seconds.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (22) Vengeance: Darth Marr’s lingering influence makes you hunger for vengeance. Grants you Vengeance, which reflects 20% of the Damage caused by Arcann’s attacks.


TheBoosted Classic Speeder Bike (Brown) is a small Hyrotii speeder you can easily get from Knights of the Fallen Empire KotFE Chapter 9 (The Gravestone) from an easy to spot Bonus Mission called The Broken Speeder.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (23)


Vaylin Holo

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (24)

Granted if you find a special item inKnights of the Eternal Throne: Chapter 6(level 60+), in the palaceThe Dragon’s Maw. It does seem you can buy and sell this on the GTN as well.


Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (25)

Jollo is an NPC Twi’lek who sweeps your stronghold with a holo-broom. If you have the chapter unlocked, you can still earn Jollo by sparing him in the chapter. If you do not have the chapter unlocked, you will be unable to earn him unless you purchase the chapter from the Cartel Market.

Battleworn Jedi Chestpiece?

This is a very strange item – I found an old comment on a Dulfy post by a player named Brian who said: KOTFE Chapter 12 Visions in the Dark: As a Synthweaver, you will acquire a schematic for a Battleworn Jedi Chestpiece while discovering clues about your location. You will receive after clicking on the Jedi armor piece within the ship. However I don’t remember ever receiving this – but another player was able to craft it for me, and I do happen to have it in the schematics of one of my older characters. It does not seem to change appearance by side or crew skill.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (26)

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (27)Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (28)

The item Schematic: Battleworn Jedi Chestpiece seems to exist and is Binds to Legacy.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (29)

But I tried running the chapter KOTFE Chapter 12 Visions in the Dark on my Synthweaver, and did not get the schematic after completing the chapter. I am wondering the reward accidentally got removed when the rewards for Chapters were adjusted. In the end I’m not sure if it still exists or not for players trying to get the schematic.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (30)


  • (Trooper Only) Colonel:Chapter XI of Knights of the Fallen Empire Expansion. Can’t be earned by a Level 70 Token character or if you start the Ossus / Onslaught expansions from your ship, may be bugged. (character title)

Cartel Coins

  • 20 CC:The Eternal Veteran Achievement (Eternal Throne / Chapters / Veteran) – Completed Knights of the Eternal Throne on Veteran Difficulty.
  • 20 CC:The Eternal Master Achievement (Eternal Throne / Chapters / Master) – Completed Knights of the Eternal Throne on Master Difficulty.
  • 20 CC:Veteran Outlander Achievement (Fallen Empire / Chapters / Veteran) – Completed all Knights of the Fallen Empire chapters on Veteran Difficulty.
  • 20 CC:Master Outlander Achievement (Fallen Empire / Chapters / Master) – Completed all Knights of the Fallen Empire chapters on Master Difficulty.


  • ✦ 10 Points for every Story Mode completed
  • ✦ 25 Points for every Veteran Mode completed
  • ✦ 50 Points for every Master Mode completed
  • ✦ 100 Points for completing all Story Mode chapters in nights of the Eternal Throne
  • ✦ 50 Points for completing all Veteran Mode chapters in Knights of the Eternal Throne
  • ✦ 100 Points for completing all Master Mode chapters in Knights of the Eternal Throne
  • ✦ 100 Points for completing Story Mode chapters 1-8 in Knights of the Fallen Empire
  • ✦ 100 Points for completing Story Mode chapters 10-16 in Knights of the Fallen Empire
  • ✦ 50 Points for completing all Veteran Mode chapters in Knights of the Fallen Empire
  • ✦ 100 Points for completing all Master Mode chapters in Knights of the Fallen Empire

Steam Achievements

In addition to the normal achievements in-game, some players collect Steam Achievements. Completing all the Chapters in Veteran and Master Mode will get you some of the rarest Steam achievements in long list of SWTOR Steam Achievements – and some major bragging rights.

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (31)

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (32) Questions or comments? Feel free to send me a message on Twitter @swtorista, Reddit /u/swtorista, Youtube Swtorista channel or by e-mail at the same name with at the end. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. ~ Swtorista

Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters Rewards (2025)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.